Year: 2017

Making Informal Recognition Visible and Actionable (MIRVA)

24th October 2017 in Bologna will be launched a 3 years project sponsored by the European Commission: Making Informal Recognition Visible and Actionable (MIRVA). Beyond the project’s current partnership, we are looking for Associate Partners interested in exploring with us how to make informal recognition visible and actionable. MIRVA will be an…

Open Badge Challenges

Seven years ago, 10 challenges were issued to the international ePortfolio community at the 2010 ePortfolio and Identity Conference (ePIC). These challenges outlined a future vision to make ePortfolio technology and practice more open, flexible and interoperable, so that ePortfolios could more openly recognize and celebrate lifelong and lifewide learning…

Welcome on bord!

Déclaration de Bologne pour une Reconnaissance Ouverte Vers une architecture ouverte pour la reconnaissance des acquis des apprentissages En 1999, la Déclaration de Bologne a proposé un espace européen de l’enseignement supérieur dans lequel les étudiants et les diplômés pouvaient se déplacer librement entre les pays, en utilisant des qualifications…